February 13, 2024, 16:01

The overwhelming majority of female and male veterans seek financial aid and health boost, research reveals

A significant majority of both female and male veterans, engaged in a study assessing current needs and career advancement perceptions among veterans in Ukraine, express a pressing need for financial assistance (56.16%) and health improvement (52.44%), according to research findings unveiled by the Ukrainian Veterans Foundation of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs.

Presented at the Media Center Ukraine – Ukrinform, the study highlights additional areas of concern among participants. Approximately 29.23% of respondents seek aid in acquiring housing, 27.22% express interest in entrepreneurial investments, while 26.65% prioritize housing upgrades. Furthermore, 26.07% emphasize the importance of education for acquiring new skills, 24.07% stress employment opportunities, and 22.64% seek psychological support.

Notably, the survey, conducted between January 15 and 25, 2024, aimed to collect primary data elucidating the perspectives of veterans and active military personnel regarding their immediate needs and prospects for career advancement in Ukraine.

Tap the following link for further details on the survey: https://veteranfund.com.ua/analitics/aktualni-potreby-ta-bachennia-mozhlyvostey-dlia-kar-iernoho-i-profesiynoho-zrostannia-veteraniv/

Read more: https://mediacenter.org.ua/news