Six months ago, the international community could believe in the creation of a Special Tribunal for the Russian Crime of Aggression in Ukraine, today 25 countries are working on its model — Denys Maslov
International justice has proved ineffective and unable to bring russia’s military and political leadership to justice for the crime of aggression against Ukraine. Therefore, Ukraine initiated the creation of a Special Tribunal. Denys Maslov, Chairman of the Committee on Legal Policy, made this statement during a briefing at Media Center Ukraine — Ukrinform.
“At the very beginning of the full-scale aggression, Ukraine pushed to establish a Special Tribunal for the crime of aggression against Ukraine.A tribunal that should put the key players of the russian federation highest military and political leadership in the dock. While at the beginning of the summer, many international experts and politicians doubted the possibility of creating such a tribunal, today, more than 25 countries have joined the so-called ‘core group’, which is working on creating the tribunal model. Ukraine has taken an active position and offered the world its vision, the draft charter of this tribunal, and its work model,” Maslov said.
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