October 4, 2023, 14:48

Protocol for returning children from russian deportation must be developed – Aliona Luniova

It is important for the government to regulate issues related to the return of children to Ukraine after russian deportation. In particular, it is necessary to resolve issues related to housing, documents, medical care, and rehabilitation.

Aliona Luniova, Advocacy Manager at ZMINA Human Rights Center, made this statement at the country’s main discussion platform BrainHub in Media Center Ukraine – Ukrinform.

“In my opinion, it would be very important to develop such an intersectoral action protocol. Because when a child crosses the border of Ukraine and returns to our territory, it is necessary to understand very clearly who is to do what. Because now this is done with the efforts of NGOs, volunteers who bring children, then place them in hubs that they themselves built and maintain. And in fact, the first question to arise is where will those children, often together with their parents, live? Because very often these parents and the family in general are from the occupied territories. And this is the first issue to be resolved. In addition, there are issues of documents, medical care, and rehabilitation. All this is very important for the government itself to regulate,” Aliona Luniova explained.

BrainHub is the country’s main discussion platform created by Media Center Ukraine – Ukrinform. It brings together experts from the state and civil society sectors. BrainHub hosts intellectual discussions around the issues of the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine. It’s the birthplace of the best ideas that will become the foundation for the road map of Ukraine’s reconstruction in all sectors: economy, infrastructure, education, agriculture, security, digital, etc. 

Read more: https://mediacenter.org.ua/news