April 18, 2022, 13:15

«Our doctors are doing everything possible and impossible to save the injured ones», – Andriy Sadovyi

Mayor of Lviv Andriy Sadovyi said during a briefing at Ukraine Media Center that what we were seeing it Ukraine today was genocide purposefully carried out by the aggressor killing the civilians.

«Seven civilians had plans for life. Today their life is over. I spoke with the director of the service station – he was in tears not for the destroyed property, but for his employees. He dreamed all his life about this business, today it is gone.

Among the 11 injured, two are in critical condition. Our doctors are doing everything possible and impossible to save them.

In addition to the objects hit by the missiles, the missiles also damaged other civilian infrastructure. The windows on the stairwells were damaged in eight houses, and the windows in one of the schools were broken.

Today there are no safe and dangerous cities in Ukraine. I urge all the residents one more time: once you hear the sirens, please proceed to the shelter. This will save your life,» –  Andriy Sadovyi said.

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