More than half of veterans express desire to pursue entrepreneurship, survey reveals
According to findings from an annual anonymous online survey conducted by the Ukrainian Veterans Foundation of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs, which engaged more than a thousand veterans and active military personnel, over 50% of vets currently discharged or released from active duty in the Ukrainian Defense Forces aspire to establish their own businesses and delve into entrepreneurship.
The survey unveiled these insights during a presentation at the Media Center Ukraine – Ukrinform.
“Fifty-point-fourteen percent. Let me clarify, this isn’t merely a wish, it’s a matter of survival. When veterans seek employment and encounter positions with low pay, inadequate job matching, or a lack of veteran-specific onboarding, along with sometimes alienating treatment from colleagues, it’s not surprising they opt to pursue entrepreneurship,” elucidated Ruslana Velychko-Trifonyuk, Acting Deputy Executive Director of the Ukrainian Veterans Foundation. “It’s noteworthy that many veterans find employment opportunities within fellow veterans’ ventures.”
Meanwhile, among respondents, 12.03% reported already owning businesses, 3.72% expressed definite disinterest in entrepreneurship, 10.04% preferred traditional employment, and 24.07% found the question challenging to answer.
Conducted between January 15 and 25, 2024, the survey aimed to gather primary data concerning veterans’ perspectives on their current needs and prospects for career and professional advancement in Ukraine.
Tap the following link for further details on the survey: https://veteranfund.com.ua/analitics/aktualni-potreby-ta-bachennia-mozhlyvostey-dlia-kar-iernoho-i-profesiynoho-zrostannia-veteraniv/
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