Media Initiative for Human Rights releases map with 42 locations where russia holds Ukrainian POWs
Based on interviews with more than 50 servicepersons released from captivity, the Media Initiative for Human Rights (MIHR) identified and mapped 42 places of detention of prisoners of war in the russian federation – pretrial detention centers and correctional colonies.
“This infographic shows 42 places of detention. These are the places of detention from which the servicepersons, who we managed to interview, had been released. We understand that there may be more of these places of detention. That’s why we are not stopping, we will continue to interview and search for released servicepersons. We will also add to this interactive map,” said Tetyana Katrychenko, the MIHR coordinator during a discussion at Media Center Ukraine – Ukrinform.
According to her, it is very important to know about even small settlements where pre-trial detention centers and colonies are located in order to be able to find our citizens. Nevertheless, the russian federation regularly relocates our citizens to hide them.
“It is important to understand that there are almost no outside observers behind the walls of more than 40 places of detention. Really terrible things – torture – happen in these places of detention. We know about the deaths of servicepersons in captivity, when they die due to unknown causes, and then their bodies are returned as part of a body exchange,” Tetyana Katrychenko noted.
Read more: https://mediacenter.org.ua/news