It is crucial for Ukraine to pass a law on the restoration of nature, defining the criteria for recover the losses – WWF-Ukraine
Legislative initiatives to restore Ukraine after the war should take into account the need to restore and preserve nature. Bohdan Vykhor, Executive Director at WWF–Ukraine made this statement during the briefing at the Media Center Ukraine – Ukrinform.
“I would like to pay attention to the very important thing, we urgently need to adopt a law on reconstruction of Ukraine. It is about the law on restoration of Ukraine’s nature in particular. It is proposed that this would be framework legislation defining the criteria of Ukraine post-war recovery. All in order to have a clear understanding in what way to restore the lost. The law shall determine how to proceed in a case, whether to conserve, restore, demine, and the like. There may be other legislative initiatives that will ensure that we don’t cross any red lines during the post–war reconstruction of Ukraine. For example, no projects without an environmental impact assessment or strategic environmental assessment. Otherwise, we could just carelessly destroy what we have left – the remains of nature that we have,” Vykhor said.