April 14, 2024, 15:21

International support to Ukraine should focus on attracting commercial manufacturers – Swedish Defenсe University

There is a lot of historical data that clearly demonstrates that in terms of warfare, a less resourceful country engaged in asymmetric actions is more likely to win against a more powerful aggressor. Now Ukraine is following such an approach, which once again emphasizes the need to continue, if not increase, international military aid to Ukraine.

Dr Dennis Gyllensporre, Associate Professor in Security Policy and Strategy, Swedish Defence University, Former Force Commander for the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA), made this statement during the Second Black Sea Security Conference of the International Crimea Platform.

“When it comes to partners, it’s not just states, but I think there is a potential to attract more commercial companies to provide support. There are some that have been involved but I think there is potential to do more there,” he said.

He added that the global community should also limit the capacity of russia’s sea ports in the war against Ukraine.


Read more: https://mediacenter.org.ua/news