July 5, 2023, 16:21

Instead of Chervonohrad, it will be Krystynopil. The town in the Lviv region will be given its historical name

But there are still discussions about its spelling. Until 1951, Chervonohrad was known as Krystynopil. The town was named after the founder’s wife, Krystyna Liubomyrska, in the 17th century. But in the Ukrainian transcription, this name is spelt Khrystyna. Therefore, there are currently two versions of the town’s name: Khrystynopil and Krystynopil. The names of two more villages are associated with the Soviet past. And over time, they will be returned to their historical names.

“We cooperate with the Institute of National Memory and experts on historical names. There is an intention to return the village of Chervone to its historical name – Liadske. Peremozhne village was once called Khlopy. Mentions of them date back to the 15th century. The Soviet government renamed them. We are now preparing public discussions and will insist on returning the historical names to those settlements that have been russified,” said Yaroslav Hasiak, chief lawyer of the Lviv Regional Council, acting head of the LRC’s affairs.

The renaming of settlements does not cause additional inconvenience. Residents do not have to re-register their property documents or produce new papers, the Lviv Regional Council emphasises.

Initially, the National Commission proposed renaming more than 20 settlements in the Lviv region. However, after consultation with communities and self-government authorities, the list was reduced to 8. Discussions are underway to rename them. Most of the changes relate to the correspondences by the Ukrainian spelling:

Kizia – Kizzia, Kizia

Chishky – Chyshky

Iordanivka – Yordanivka

Krasichyn – Krasychyn

Honchary – Honchari

Pidhorodne – Pidhorodnie

Watch the full video on the YouTube channel(in Ukrainian).

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