In memory of fallen heroes: Ukrainian band presents new song, all proceeds from touring to go to Ukraine’s Armed Forces
Today, on October 21, Media Center Ukraine – Ukrinform hosted the presentation of Hurtowyna band’s music video for their song “Kulia” (Bullet). The video shows the story of a soldier returning home from the frontlines. His poignant meeting with his wife and son.
Bohdan Zheleznyak, the director, said that the main idea of the video is to remember that the war is still going on.
“The idea of the music video is that the war continues and we cannot relax, even if it seems to be quiet, we have no right to forget that the war continues. We must all be united, the military and the civilian population,” – he said.
The video took 12 hours to produce.
According to the director, the main character is a collective image of the entire Ukrainian people, military and civilians. The character just wants to be with his relatives, but he can’t, as the war won’t let him go. To make the video, the authors talked a lot with active military personnel.
Artur Zheleznyak, a Ukrainian composer, noted that wartime needs new songs, powerful and inspiring.
“Before the war, I wrote many poetic songs. But the war made its corrections and now I wanted to write a song that would inspire the bravery of civilians as well. (We) need music to motivate a person and get them to snap out of fear. The song is like a hand on the shoulder, everything will be fine,” – the writer of the lyrics said.
The musicians of Hurtowyna band admit that the work on the song and the music video was interesting. The main female role was played by the wife of the band’s frontman Dmytro Panchenko. Musicians started their work, when the war was already ongoing. They are soon going on tour, during which the band plans to raise funds for the needs of Ukraine’s Armed Forces, as well as visit soldiers’ positions and hospitals to support them.
Read more: https://mediacenter.org.ua/news