Photo by Media Center Ukraine – Odesa: Vira Yastrebova, lawyer, director of the NGO “Shidna Pravozahisna grupa” (Eastern Human Rights Group)
March 30, 2023, 17:50

In March 2023, in the so-called LDPR handed down 37 “verdicts” to long terms of imprisonment – human rights activist

Also, the Russian Guard arrested 174 people in March. Vira Yastrebova, lawyer, director of the NGO “Shidna Pravozahisna grupa” (Eastern Human Rights Group), told about this during a briefing at Media Center Ukraine – Odesa.

“In March, quasi-courts in the occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions handed down 37 long-term prison verdicts. Neither the right to defense nor any democratic standards were respected. Any person poses a danger – the Russian Guard and quasi-courts, in which russians and collaborators work, will deprive them of freedom and property and say that it was so before,” – the human rights activist said. 

She also added that in the occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, they take away cars “for the needs of the army”.

“There is no question of any compensation. You can’t complain, because they will take everything away. The apartment will be confiscated, the car will be taken away, the children will be deported. This is a signal for those who believe that they will be able to build a dialogue with the occupiers,” – Vira Yastrebova emphasized.

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