In February, the shooting of the first theatrical series in Ukraine will start in Odesa – a third of income will be sent to Ukrainian army
The basis of the project is the immersive serial performance “City of Dreams” of Theater No. 7. Yaroslav Trofimov, director and playwright author of the project, told about this during a briefing at the Media Center Ukraine – Odesa.
“We want to bring back a special form of storytelling. At that period in the history of cinema, when cinema came from the theater, when films were shot as theatrical productions. We are filming a theatrical drama full of events that will appeal to those who read Isaac Asimov, Robert Sheckley, and Philip Dick. We want to attract the attention of the audience who cares about the story,” the director said.
It is planned to shoot 4 seasons of the series, each of which will have 10 episodes lasting 45 minutes.
“We will release 2 episodes a month, and we plan to sell subscriptions. Monthly, seasonal, or for the entire series. 30% of the fees will go to the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine,” the artist added.
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