Further resolution of the issue will depend on the European Commission’s position on Ukrainian agricultural imports – Olga Trofimtseva
Today, we need clarity and understanding of the situation regarding Ukrainian agricultural products import. Transparency and clarity are required, first of all, from domestic farm exporters since it’s a matter of survival for them and agricultural producers.
It was emphasized by the Ambassador at Large with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Coordinator of the Exporters and Investors Council, during a briefing at Media Center Ukraine – Ukrinform.
She recalled that, according to the results of recent negotiations held on Friday night, April 21, the transit of Ukrainian grain to third countries, including through Polish territory, should resume. Therefore, the pressure on Ukrainian agricultural exporters and agricultural producers will be gradual, at least partially, relieved.
“Nevertheless, we are now keeping a close eye on the situation developing further since it is clear from the European Commission’s representatives and speakers’ statements, who immediately decry such unilateral actions taken by Poland, Hungary, or Slovakia, saying it is not acceptable. And the European Commission is exclusively responsible for the trade policy of the European Union,” she said.
Olga Trofimtseva emphasized that further situation development will depend on the European Commission’s position on this issue.
“As far as we understand, consultations are currently underway between Brussels and the governments of Eastern European countries, which have started to express these farmers’ concerns about so-called the influx of Ukrainian grain to these countries. And, accordingly, the further development of the situation will depend on this decision, on the position of the European Commission on the subject,” she said.
However, according to Olga Trofimtseva, even in the short term, it is clear that Ukrainian companies are already suffering losses due to the suspension of exports and the suspension of truck traffic across the border.
Referring to the words of the Minister of Agrarian Policy, Mykola Solskyi, she announced the approximate losses caused by the export suspension.
“Here, I can only refer to Mykola Solskyi, Minister of Agrarian Policy words, who answered this question just yesterday. It’s clear that they haven’t calculated the figures yet. But even with the agricultural exporter’s reports, now having their trucks at the border, we have today, we understand that we are talking about hundreds of millions of dollars of losses.”
Read more: https://mediacenter.org.ua/news