July 25, 2024, 15:02

Expert predicts consumer inflation to surpass 8% by year-end

Consumer inflation in Ukraine may exceed the projected 8% by the end of the year. 

Hlib Vyshlinsky, Executive Director at the Center for Economic Strategy, shared this outlook during a discussion at the Media Center Ukraine.

“Consumer inflation is clearly on an upward trend. The National Bank of Ukraine anticipated this acceleration even when price growth had slowed to a record low of about 3% per annum during martial law. They projected an 8% inflation rate by year’s end, but the actual figure is likely to be higher,” Vyshlinsky said. 

Vyshlinsky noted that the 8% forecast is now considered optimistic. “Based on the National Bank’s forthcoming macroeconomic forecasts, we should brace for more significant price increases,” he said. “Today, the National Bank will release its decision on the key policy rate and an updated economic forecast, which I expect will predict a steeper rise in inflation.”

Read more: https://mediacenter.org.ua/news