June 5, 2024, 16:37

Currently, 85% of Ukrainian agricultural products are exported by sea – Denys Marchuk

Today, about 85% of exports are shipped by sea, about 15% – via the Danube River, about 5% – by train and road transport. Additionally, sea export statistics for April and May highlight the dominance of the Black Sea route.

Denys Marchuk, Deputy Chairman of the Ukrainian Agrarian Council, made this statement during a briefing at Media Center Ukraine – Ukrinform.

“In regards to exports, we have a very good overall potential in 2024. April and May gave off some clear indicators of the fact that we achieved a certain parity, and even superiority in the Black Sea. The number of ships has increased, and therefore exports have increased. 6.2 million tons were exported by sea in April, and in May – 5.3 million tons. Now the (figures – Ed.) will be a little smaller, because the carryover balances are getting smaller,” said Denys Marchuk.

Read more: https://mediacenter.org.ua/news