“Credits for all subjects except Ukrainian language, literature and history to be transferred automatically for schoolchildren returning from abroad; we recommend online lessons,” Education Ministry
The education Ministry recommends that Ukrainian schoolchildren who are currently abroad attend Ukrainian online classes for at least three academic subjects. Andrii Vitrenko, First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine made this statement at a briefing at Media Center Ukraine — Ukrinform.
“In many countries of the European Union, school attendance is compulsory. But in order for these children not to lose contact with the Ukrainian school, with the Ukrainian national education system, we recommend that they study online at their school or any other at the request of their parents and guardians. We recommend attending classes on the Ukrainian language, Ukrainian literature, and Ukrainian history. These subjects are not taught (abroad) and when our children return we will not be able to transfer credits for them automatically. Credits for all other subjects will be automatically transferred,” — Vitrenko said.
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