
Kyiv Lviv Kharkiv Odesa
November 29
2:00 PMKYIV– Anastasia Boichuk, strategic manager of the project “Rehabilitation of War Trauma in Ukraine”Workshop for journalists: “Ukraine country profile on rehabilitation system services. How journalists can have sensitive communication in rehabilitation care for military and civilian patients”

Issues to be discussed:
– The overall situation with rehabilitation services in Ukraine: latest health news, where are we going, and what are the main problems and obstacles to development;
– How journalists should properly communicate in the rehabilitation care for military and civilians

Registration form:
11:00 AMODESAAndriy Donchenko, acting head of the Service for Restoration and Development of Infrastructure in Odesa region
Maryna Martynenko, spokesperson of the State Emergency Service in Odesa region
Vladyslav Balinsky, ecologist, head of the NGO “Green Sheet”
The list of speakers can be supplemented

Consequences of the hurricane in Odesa and the region

Topic of focus:
– How the region dealt with the aftermath of the hurricane;
– State of the roads in Odesa region after the storm;
– How the Black Sea withstood the storm, what has changed in the Tuzly estuaries.
12:00 РM
ODESAJan Polak, Slovak volunteer, head of the NGO “Gift for Putin” (online)How Slovak citizens help Ukraine
13:00 РMODESAOleksandr Khara, expert of the Center for Defense Strategies (online)Ukraine – NATO: reforms, cooperation, membership