
Kyiv Lviv Kharkiv Odesa
October 18
11:30 AMLVIVSerhii Bratchuk, Spokesman for Odesa Oblast Military Administration (online)Topics of focus:
– The current situation in the region
– The aftermath of russia’s attacks with Iranian UAVs
– The situation with the energy supply in Odesa region
12:00 PMLVIVSergiy Gamaliy, Head of Khmelnytskyi Oblast Military Administration (online)Topics of issue:
– Current situation in the region 
– Consequences of russia’s missile attack on Khmelnytskyi oblast
1:00 PMLVIVSerhiy Karpenko, Director of the Union of Poultry Breeders of Ukraine (online)Topics of focus:
– The situation with poultry farming in Ukraine during the war
– Why did egg prices go up?
– Forecasts on the dynamics of prices for eggs and other poultry products
11:00 AMKYIVYegor Chernev, Denys Maslov, Olena Khomenko, Deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and members of the Servant of the People faction (in person)Topic of focus: attempts by the ICRC mission to get to the penal colony in Olenivka, where russia is holding prisoners of war; the reaction of the Ukrainian authorities.
12:30 PMKYIVMykola Povoroznyk, First Deputy Head of Kyiv City State Administration (online)Topic of focus: Security measures in the capital; a plan to restore the damaged infrastructure.
1:30 PMKYIVValery Kavaleuski, Representative for Foreign Affairs in the United Transitional Cabinet of Belarus; Tetiana Martynova, representative of civil society in Ukraine, public figure, political blogger (in person)Topics of issue: Internal political situation in Belarus, the lukashenko regime’s support for the war against Ukraine; further steps of the Belarusian opposition.
3:00 PMKYIVOleksandr Khorunzhyi, Press Officer of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine (in person)Topics of focus: The information about those killed and injured during russia’s missile attacks on the capital; the work of the State Emergency Service on eliminating the consequences of missile strikes.