
Kyiv Lviv Kharkiv Odesa
September 13
12:00 PMODESAKaolan Robertson, director (in person); 

Paul Conroy, war photographer (in person); 

Zarina Zabrisky, journalist (in person);
Topics of focus:

– Presentation of the documentary “Under the Deadly Skies: Ukraine’s Eastern Front”; 

More info: Veteran war reporter John Sweeney and Byline TV filmmaker Kaolan Robertson hit the road with war photographer Paul Conroy and journalist Zarina Zabrisky to gather compelling evidence for the use of illegal weapons and the torture of civilians in Ukraine, as well as examining the reality of life and conditions faced by ordinary people on Ukraine’s eastern front.
01:00 PMODESAMaryna Martynenko, head of media relations and public relations of the department of the state emergency service in Odesa region (in person);

Oleksandr Slobodianiuk, acting head of the pyrotechnic, underwater and humanitarian demining unit of the state emergency service of Ukraine in Odesa region (in person);
Topics of focus:

– Demining of Kherson and Donetsk regions;
– Specificity of work near the front line;
– Achievements of Odesa deminers;
02:00 PMODESASerhiy Bas, dental aid volunteer, founder of mobile dentistry “Zubayster” (in person);

The briefing has been postponed. The new date will be announced later.
Topics of focus:

– How mobile dental offices work at the front;
– Needs of servicemen and volunteers;
10:00 AMKHARKIVTetyana Pechura is the first deputy director of the Department of Social Protection of the Population of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration
Briefing on ensuring social protection of internally displaced persons in the Kharkiv region.
11:00 AMKYIV– Jan Malicki, Professor, Head of the Center for East European Studies, University of Warsaw (online);

– Andrzej Korkus, the EWL Migration Platform Group Chairman of the Board (in person);

– Mariusz Kowalski, PhD, social geographer (online);

– Margarita Sytnyk, spokesperson of the EWL Migration Platform (in person) 
“From Poland to Germany. New Trends in Ukrainian Refugee Migration” survey results presentation 

Topics of focus:
– What influenced the decision of Ukrainian refugees to move from Poland to Germany?
– What facilitates the integration of Ukrainian citizens in Poland and Germany?
– What is the Ukrainian citizens’ financial situation in Germany?
– What motivates Ukrainian citizens to stay in Germany longer?
– Do refugees from Ukraine plan to return from Germany to Poland?
– What would encourage refugees to return to Ukraine most after the end of the war?

Why is it interesting?
The survey results are based on a study conducted in August 2023 by the EWL Migration Platform, the EWL Foundation, and the Centre for East European Studies at the University of Warsaw and commissioned by the Chancellery of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland. It was conducted among 400 Ukrainian citizens who came to Poland after the outbreak of war, received temporary protection status in Poland, and then left for Germany.
12:00 PMKYIV– Mykola Lukashuk, Head of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast Council (online)Dnipropetrovsk region: current situation in the city and region

Topics for discussion:
– Situation in the region and the city;
– The communities getting prepared for the fall-winter season;
– State of critical infrastructure. 
02:00 PMKYIV– Oleksandr Kharchenko, Director at the Energy Industry Research Center;

– Serhii Kuiun, Director of Consulting Group A95;

– Volodymyr Omelchenko, Energy Programs Director at the Razumkov Center;

– Oleh Radiychuk, energy efficiency expert, expert of the ANTS NGO. 

All in person. 
Panel discussion: “Ukraine’s Energy Sector Challenges and Opportunities in the Context of War”

Topics of focus:
– Winter 2024: How will Ukraine prepare?
– Gas, oil, coal – where will we get energy resources?
– What will the energy market be after the war is over?