
Kyiv Lviv Kharkiv Odesa
September 11
11:00 АMKYIV– Oleksandra Romantsova, Executive Director at the Center for Civil Liberties;

– Vitalii Poberezhnyi, Producer of the docuseries “Deoccupation”;

– Karina Piliugina, Producer and Author of Ukraïner projects;

– “Ostap,” Spokesperson for the National Resistance Center of Ukraine;

All in person.
Deoccupation. Presentation of Ukraїner’s multimedia project about war crimes in the temporarily occupied territories

Why this is interesting: 

“Deoccupation” is a series of multimedia reports about Ukraїner team’s trips to the de-occupied territories of Ukraine, which started in April 2022. The people in the stories are Ukrainian soldiers, police officers, volunteers, resistance fighters and ordinary local residents who survived the occupation. Every report is a recording of events that we, Ukrainians, have not had time to fully reflect on yet, because we are still in their epicenter. 
The book “Deoccupation. Stories of Ukrainian resistance. 2022” by Bohdan Lohvynenko, which is a continuation of Ukraїner’s multimedia project of the same name, will also be presented at the event. 

1:30 PMKYIV– Iryna Rybnytska, Charitable Foundation of the Historically-Cultural Center of Uman Executive Director (online)
Celebrating Rosh Hashanah
11:00 AMKHARKIVYevhen Vasylenko, spokesperson of the Main Office of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Kharkiv region;

Briefing by Yevhen Vasylenko, spokesperson of the Main Office of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Kharkiv region.

Topic: “Operational situation in the Kharkiv region for the period September 4-10, 2023.”