
Kyiv Lviv Kharkiv Odesa
September 7
11:00 PMODESAAnna Vyshniakova, head of NGO LingvaLexa, lawyer in the field of international criminal law (online);

Topics of focus:

– Why the UN Commission has not yet concluded that genocide is taking place in Ukraine;

Details: Head of the UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Violations in Ukraine, Erik Møse, September 4, Kyiv: “… At the moment, we do not have sufficient available evidence that would meet the legal qualification provided by the Genocide Convention. You remember that this is a question of intent, the intent of the perpetrators. There must be a “need” to destroy a certain group. And such destruction, according to the Convention, must be physical or biological…”
12:00 PMODESAOksana Denysenko, regional coordinator of the All-Ukrainian mental health program “Ty yak?” (How are you?) in Odesa region (in person);

Yulia Zhukova, head of the social services division of the department of social and family policy of the Odesa regional military administration (in person);

Olena Solntseva, head of the Odesa regional center for practical psychology and social work (in person);
Topics of focus:

– Implementation of the All-Ukrainian Mental Health Program “Ty yak?” (How are you?) in Odesa region;

Nataliya Humenyuk, chief of the Joint Coordination Press Office of the Security and Defense Forces in the South of Ukraine (in person);
Topics of focus:

– Consequences of the attack on Odesa on September 7

11:00 АMKYIVDmytro Pletenchuk, Spokesman for the Ukrainian Navy (online)The situation in the Black and Azov seas

Topics of focus:
– Operation of the Crimean bridge;
– Naval drone attacks on russian ships;
– Alternative “Grain Corridor” – how does it work?

11:30 АMKYIVVasyl Bodnar, Ukraine’s Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Türkiye (online)
The meeting between putin and Erdoğan: results and solutions for Ukraine
2:00 PMKYIV– Inna Sovsun, People’s Deputy of Ukraine, First Deputy Education and Science Minister of Ukraine (2014-2016);

– Ivanna Kobernyk, Co-Founder of “Smart Osvita” NGO;

– Serhii Horbachov, Ukrainian Educational Ombudsman;

All in person;
Panel discussion: “War and education – problems, achievements, future”

Topics of focus:
– The beginning of the academic year: in which regions and how many children started school?
– Learning formats in schools and universities this year;
– The results of the enrollment campaign in universities: what majors did students choose this year?
– Learning in occupied and de-occupied territories;
– Challenges of this academic year;
– Quality of education, provision of everything necessary to schools, kindergartens and universities;

2:30 PMKYIVAndrii Demchenko, Spokesperson for the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine (in person)The current situation at the borders and checkpoints