After the war, Ukrainian cities can switch to “green” energy faster than some European cities – expert
However, it will take decades. Such an opinion was expressed by Kostyantyn Krynytskyi, head of the energy department, NGO “Ekodiya” (Ecoaction) at a briefing at Media Center Ukraine – Odesa.
Back in 2019, seven Ukrainian cities declared that by 2050 they would switch to 100% provision of their energy needs through renewable energy sources.
“It will take decades. We need to look at networks, at the wind potential, at the potential of bioenergy, at the potential of the sun. But some of our cities can switch to “green” energy faster than in Europe. Compared to the EU, Ukraine has one advantage — we still have a centralized energy supply system. In Europe, many countries try to return to this. Because the system is easier to decarbonize, and install renewable energy sources. And one of the ideas is to install heat pumps on central heating systems. In cities where such a system has been preserved, there is a huge potential,” – the expert noted.
Kostyantyn Krynytskyi added that there is already a project for the installation of heat pumps on central heating systems in Lutsk. We can use the experience in other cities.
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