“After the All-out War in Ukraine Started, 243 Children Were Killed and 444 Injured,” President’s Commissioner for Rights of Children.
“After the All-out War in Ukraine Started, 243 Children Were Killed and 444 Injured,” President’s Commissioner for Rights of Children.
After the all-out war in Ukraine started, 243 children were killed and 444 injured. Daria Herasymchuk, Advisor and Commissioner of the President of Ukraine for Rights of Children and Children Rehabilitation, said this during her briefing at Ukraine Media Center. However, according to her, these data are not final.
“We don’t know the situation in temporarily occupied territories. I am certain that these figures will go up severalfold once we enter these areas,” Herasymchuk stated.
According to the Ministry of Health, limbs were amputated in 19 children.
At the same time, russians unlawfully deported or relocated 234,000 children from temporarily occupied territories. According to Daria Herasymchuk, it violates the Geneva Conventions. Identities of 2,751 children have already been verified.
“I want to ask everyone. If you are searching for your child, report the missing child to the National Police. If you are aware of kidnapping, relocation, or forced deportation, report the facts you know to the Ukrainian National Information Bureau. Doing so will help us verify each child and come up with a procedure for returning the children,” the Children Rights Commissioner of the President of Ukraine said.
Read more: https://mediacenter.org.ua/news