June 26, 2024, 11:00

Over 2.3 million citizens updated their personal eligibility information since mobilization law enacted – Fedir Venislavskyi

As of today, 2.37 million citizens have updated and corrected their military data.

This update was provided by Fedir Venislavskyi, a Member of the Ukrainian Parliament’s Committee on National Security, Defense, and Intelligence, and the President’s Representative to the Verkhovna Rada, during a briefing at the Media Center Ukraine – Ukrinform.

“The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine monitors the daily updates of military data for draft-eligible conscripts, citizens aged 18 to 60. The trend is very positive. As of this morning, Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Ms. Chernohorenko reported that 2.37 million Ukrainian citizens have updated their military draft or conscription records,” Venislavskyi stated.

According to Venislavskyi, the majority of citizens updated their personal eligibility information records via Reserve+ app, followed by the Administrative Service Centers and then by the Territorial Center of Recruitment and Social Support.

“In general, the trend is quite favorable, supporting the mobilization activities conducted by the Territorial Centers of Recruitment and Social Support. Overall, I believe the law has achieved its primary objective,” he added.

Read more: https://mediacenter.org.ua/news