July 25, 2024, 14:59

Ukraine’s industrial capacity utilization falls to 38% amid electricity woes: Expert

The utilization of production facilities in Ukraine has plummeted to 38% due to ongoing electricity issues. This rate is anticipated to further decline to 35% during the winter months.

This assessment was provided by Andrii Dlihach, Doctor of Economics, CEO of Advanter Group, during a briefing at the Media Center Ukraine.

“Prior to the full-scale aggression, our production capacity utilization stood at approximately 75%. By the end of last year, it had decreased to 45%, maintaining that level this year. However, it has now fallen to 38% due to electricity problems. We expect it to drop to 35% in winter. Lower capacity utilization translates to higher production costs, which in turn leads to negative outcomes such as increased prices and industrial inflation,” Dlihach explained.

Read more: https://mediacenter.org.ua/news