There are 1005 SES Points of Invincibility operating across Ukraine for people to turn to in bad weather events
When extreme cold hits, citizens can use the public ‘Invincibility’ centers services. In particular, there you can get warm, get hot drinks, charge your electrical devices, and wait out the bad weather.
Oleksandr Khorunzhyy, Press Officer of the State Emergency Service, made this report during a briefing at Media Center Ukraine – Ukrinform.
“As for the State Emergency Service, 1005 such centers have been deployed. In particular, about 750 of them are SES-backed facilities, including fire and rescue and emergency rescue units, and 250 are mobile tent-based points that offer refuge, and resilience. There are also vehicle-based points of invincibility solutions. These are fully mobile to be moved and installed as a matter of urgency,” said the SES of Ukraine spokesman.
According to Oleksandr Khorunzhyy, since the Points of Invincibility started operation, about 640 thousand people have been assisted. In particular, since October 1, 2023, when the winter cold snap sets in, 8 thousand people have been provided with assistance at the ‘Invincibility’ centers.
Read more: https://mediacenter.org.ua/news