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Themes by tag: reconstruction

23.08.2023 A restored kindergarten, which was almost completely destroyed by the occupiers, will open in Irpin
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23.08.2023 From France, the U.S. and even Peru: in Chernihiv oblast, volunteers from different corners of the world are helping to rebuild housing destroyed by the occupiers
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11.08.2023 A carpenter from Australia helps to restore Ukrainian houses: the story of a man who crossed the ocean to volunteer in Kyiv region
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03.08.2023 Volunteers from different countries put up modular houses for residents of Chernihiv oblast who had lost their homes
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26.07.2023 A former American soldier volunteers in Ternopil region: the story of Ryan, who came from the United States and is helping to rebuild Ukraine
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03.07.2023 He came to help Ukrainians: how an accountant from Hong Kong is dismantling the rubble of destroyed buildings in the Kyiv region
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28.06.2023 She was afraid of heights but became a roof repair specialist: she helps those who lost their homes due to the war
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27.06.2023 “Mariupol Reborn”: the first office of the Mariupol Reconstruction Project will be opened in Lviv
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19.06.2023 The UN Refugee Agency representative Karolina Lindholm Billing is to give a briefing in Kyiv on the occasion of the World Refugee Day
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31.05.2023 Volunteers and the military will create the first Military Leadership Center in Ukraine
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