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Themes by tag: Lviv

30.05.2022 The war in Ukraine displaced even brown bears. The animals had to be moved from a shelter near Kyiv to Lviv Oblast. Some of them will later be returned home
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25.05.2022 A family from Mariupol lost almost everything—their apartment near Azovstal burned away, and their business ceased to exist. However, they decided to open a cafe in Lviv together with their friends.
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24.05.2022 Ukraine’s Medical Hub—over 1,000 Wounded People from Hotspots of Fighting Are Treated in Lviv
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23.05.2022 Domivka Found Shelter for Over 3,000 Pets after the Start of the All-out War Now, they are saving goat Borys, who chased invaders away from Kyiv Oblast
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17.05.2022 A Volunteer Charity That Evacuates Residents from Combat Areas and Delivers There Dozens of Tonnes of Humanitarian Aid
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16.05.2022 Briefing by Kalush Orchestra, Winners of Eurovision Song Contest, at Media Center Ukraine on May 17, at 11:30 AM
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