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Themes by tag: LGBT

18.08.2023 Spokeswoman for the Defense Forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, a combat medic and a transgender woman: the story of American Sarah Ashton-Cirillo
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18.07.2023 Joint Forces Operation veteran, tank commander, member of the LGBT community: the story of Armed Forces Serviceman Daniel Johnson
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07.07.2023 Antonina Romanova defends Ukraine in the ranks of the Armed Forces. The passport shows her as a soldier under the male name Anton Romanov
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22.06.2023 A 24-year-old servicewoman in the Armed Forces does not hide her bisexuality. She is ready to talk to the media about her service in the army
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09.06.2023 Dmytro Havryliuk lost his beloved in the war. He is trying to ensure that LGBT+ people in Ukraine can officially register relationships
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