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Themes by tag: Kyiv

12.12.2022 Living in the cold in half-destroyed houses — how the residents of the villages destroyed by the russians in Kyiv region survive
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08.12.2022 Press tour as a part of the “Phoenix of Rudnytske” project: a symbolic housewarming party will take place in some houses of the village of Rudnytske in Kyiv region, which were previously significantly affected by the war
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07.12.2022 “Knitting Needles Are Your Weapon!” Members of “Zihrii” (Warm Up) Movement from All over Ukraine Knit Warm Clothes for Ukrainian Soldiers Who Are at the Front
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07.12.2022 Cats and Dogs Freeze to Death Due to Large-Scale Power Cuts in the Ukraine’s Oldest Animal Shelter
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06.12.2022 To Save the Unique Collection of Plants, the Botanical Garden in Kyiv is Ready to Heat Greenhouses with Firewood
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06.12.2022 A Renowned Radio Host Helps Pensioners in Difficulties in De-Occupied Towns and Villages of Kyiv Region
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05.12.2022 Invaders Destroyed the Workshop and Looted the Workroom: the Story of the Ukrainian Brand of Author’s Candles, Which Has Been Restored and Now Takes Over The World
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18.11.2022 More Than 3 Tonnes of Used Disposable Cigarettes Have Already Been Collected by Kyiv Students. They Are Used to Make Batteries for UAVs
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17.11.2022 Exhibition of LGBT Military Personnel Photos Starts in Kyiv
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17.11.2022 “Arm Women Now”: Production of Military Uniforms for Women Has Been Launched in Ukraine. It Already Helps Defenders Feel More Comfortable at the Front Line Already
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