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Themes by tag: Kyiv

19.12.2022 Due to the lack of electricity and the Internet, a teacher from Kyiv region holds online lessons at an Invincibility Center
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19.12.2022 Spin the pedals to light up the Christmas tree: the most unusual Christmas trees installed in Ukraine despite the war to give people a holiday
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19.12.2022 A place to warm up, charge your phone and connect to the Internet: Ukrposhta plans to open up to 1,700 “safety centers” in its branches
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16.12.2022 Football Players Who Left Mariupol Due to the russian Invasion Fend for Themselves by Preparing Meat Dumplings
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16.12.2022 Gorillas Named Tony Have Got a Heating Point Set Up: the Kyiv Zoo Is Preparing for Difficult Winter Under War Conditions
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14.12.2022 A surprise celebration for retirees: on the eve of St. Nicholas Day, “Yulyni Babusi” charitable foundation will visit a retirement facility in Kyiv region
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14.12.2022 A school damaged by the russians at the beginning of the invasion is under repair in Kyiv region
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13.12.2022 American TV Presenter Will Hand Over Cars to the Kyiv Region Police for Work in the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone — Press Tour
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13.12.2022 People Even Have to Connect the Devices to Car Batteries: How Oxygen-Dependent People Suffer from Power Cuts During the War
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12.12.2022 Residents of Hostomel opened a restaurant in Kyiv after the russians destroyed their previous establishment in their hometown
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