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Themes by tag: doctors

08.07.2022 Plastic surgeons help victims of the war in Ukraine get rid of their scars. They call their campaign #NoScar
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05.07.2022 Veteran sportsmen visit military hospitals to share their experience of coming back to life with wounded soldiers
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30.06.2022 Italian volunteer surgeon who helped treat wounds using a novel technology will visit Lviv again
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29.06.2022 Kyiv scientists have developed a drug that heals burns from phosphorus shells
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14.06.2022 Ukrainian Engineers Developed Unique Software to Collect Blood Efficiently
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13.06.2022 Lviv Surgeons Rescued a Boy with a Mortal Wound from Lysychansk – a Fragment of Projectile Stuck in His Lung
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07.06.2022 On June 10, one-of-a-kind project of “Nezlamni” National Rehabilitation Center will be presented in Lviv
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06.06.2022 The first mobile military veterinary hospital for animals affected by the war opened in Ukraine
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06.06.2022 Psychological help—A crisis center opens in Kyiv to help Ukrainians affected by crisis events during the war
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03.06.2022 A strongman from the Guinness World Records treats internally displaced children as a member of a mobile medical team in Ukraine’s west
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