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Themes by tag: Dnipro

16.01.2023 Dogs of “Antares” canine search and rescue team are looking for people under the debris of the residential building in Dnipro. They also help find dead soldiers at the front
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04.01.2023 The 5th Grader Serhii, Who Left Luhansk Region, Now Lives in a School in Dnipropetrovsk Region, and Attends Lessons in the Same Institution
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14.12.2022 To save a Nile crocodile workers heated water by themselves: due to blackouts, a unique state freshwater aquarium lost dozens of fish and continues to suffer from power outages
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16.08.2022 A multidisciplinary hospital from Sievierodonetsk, which treated ill and wounded until the occupation of the city, relocated to Dnipro
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03.08.2022 After a month under occupation in Luhansk Oblast, healthcare professionals of Starobilsk Hospital resume working in Dnipro
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02.08.2022 Twice evacuated: an outpatient clinic from Luhansk resumes operation in Dnipro
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04.07.2022 IDPs who had to leave their home twice due to the war have opened a bakery in Dnipro and bring bread to the front line
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