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Themes by tag: culture

16.06.2022 Nino Katamadze, a renowned Georgian singer, will visit Media Center Ukraine
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15.06.2022 Ukrainian Museum Workers Help Their Colleagues Near the Frontline and in Occupied Territories by Rescuing Not Only Exhibits But Also Their Lives
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14.06.2022 Ten Paintings by Modern Artists Will Be Auctioned off – Serhiy Prytula’s Charitable Foundation Raises Funds for the Production of Ukrainian UAVs
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13.06.2022 Hands for a Mom – Proceeds from Sales of the Works of Art Will Be Used to Provide Prosthetics to Women Who Lost Their Limbs during the War
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09.06.2022 In Lviv, embroidered shirts are gathered for a charity auction in the USA, with proceeds to be transferred to help Ukraine’s Armed Forces
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08.06.2022 Boris Johnson, UK Prime Minister, was initiated into Cossacks in Chernihiv
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01.06.2022 Grad fragments, a spent RPG tube, and a helmet—objects from battlefields will be offered at a charity auction in Lviv
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31.05.2022 A painted fragment of an enemy missile downed above Lviv is offered at a lottery, with all proceeds to be handed over to Ukraine’s Armed Forces
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26.05.2022 Serhii Prytula, renowned Ukrainian TV host and volunteer, will present a raffle of Ukraine’s Eurovision symbol—the pink hat of Kalush Orchestra’s frontman
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25.05.2022 Oleh Psiuk, Kalush Orchestra’s frontman, together with Serhii Prytula’s Charity Foundation, are selling the Eurovision Song Contest-2022 trophy and the rapper’s trademark pink hat. The proceeds will be transferred to help Ukraine’s Armed Forces.
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