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Themes by tag: culture

02.09.2022 A bookstore in Kyiv collected almost 25 tonnes of russian books; the funds from recycling them will be used to help the defenders of Ukraine
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02.09.2022 The photographer Roman Pashkovskyi makes portraits in the streets of Kyiv, raising donations to be used to overcome the consequences of the russian aggression.
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01.09.2022 Pascal Woestelandt, a ceramic artist from Luxembourg, came to Lviv to host pottery master classes for Lviv kids
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31.08.2022 Colonial heritage: disputes are raging in Odesa regarding the dismantling of the monument to the russian empress Catherine II
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26.08.2022 Ukraine’s Culture Ministry created a special account to raise funds for the reconstruction of destroyed cultural heritage objects. There are already almost 500 of them
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23.08.2022 August 24: 24 hours, 24 hryvnias. Kalush Orchestra band, winners of Eurovision Song Contest 2022, raise funds for the rehabilitation of Azovstal heroes
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18.08.2022 In the center of Kyiv, artist Varvara Logvyn transforms anti-tank “hedgehogs” into works of art
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09.08.2022 Unseen Azovstal: Prytula Foundation organizes a charity exhibition of photos of Azovstal heroes
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08.08.2022 An exhibition on russia’s war crimes from the Davos Forum is brought to Kyiv
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02.08.2022 Spouse photographers who used to shoot love story photo sessions for couples in love work in the country’s hottest spots now
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