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Themes by tag: culture

09.12.2022 Since outside decorations are impossible, the city was decorated underground. In Kharkiv, a Christmas tree and decorations were installed in the metro
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09.12.2022 Canada’s gift to Ukraine: on December 13, outstanding pianist Darius Mažintas will perform in the city of Izium
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08.12.2022 “Iron Butterflies,” a documentary about flight MH17 by Ukrainian director Roman Liubyi will be presented at the Sundance, a major U.S. film festival
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05.12.2022 “Kradut Rusaky Nash Soniakh” (Russians Are Stealing Our Sunflower): Eurovision Winners Presented a Joint Track with Kozak Siromakha
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17.11.2022 Exhibition of LGBT Military Personnel Photos Starts in Kyiv
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08.11.2022 “Time of Stories” project collects and tells the stories of modern heroes, each of whom is fighting on their own front
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31.10.2022 Photographers Liberovs Published Photos with the First Woman Who Headed the Artillery Unit of the Ukrainian Armed Forces
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31.10.2022 Mad Heads Present a New Song Called “We Are Ukrainians, We Can Do Everything” in the Media Center Ukraine — Ukrinform
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26.10.2022 Culture Ministry is raising UAH 4.5 million for the restoration of Chernihiv Central Library, which was damaged by the russians back in February
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25.10.2022 Energy Efficiency During the War: Lviv Organ Hall Invites for Concerts Without Power Supply
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