The Power of Museums: Lviv joins the celebration of International Museum Day
Every year, on May 18, Lviv joins the celebration of International Museum Day. For more than forty years, about one and a half hundred countries have maintained this tradition.
The theme of the International Museum Day 2022 is defined by the International Council of Museums (ISOM) – as “The Power of Museums”.
So, this year’s “museum days” in Lviv are about the courage to talk about their history, the importance of preserving their heritage, the crucial role and dedication of people involved in museum work, and the strength and resilience of museums during the war.
The events program dedicated to the International Museum Day covers May 17-22 – https://lviv.travel/en/events/den-muzeiv-u-lvovi
Contact person Hanna Kitsilinska, +380 (96) 201 01 70 (WhatsApp)
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