October 26, 2023, 16:31

The enemy is intensifying propaganda in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, threatening to repress and deport Ukrainians for disobedience – NGO

Militant propaganda among children and youth is being intensified in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.

This was stated by human rights activist Iryna Chaura during a briefing at the Ukraine-Odesa Media Center.

The occupiers are forcibly enrolling Ukrainian children in the so-called “youth army” units. 

“In all schools in the temporarily occupied Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions, schoolchildren are given questionnaires for joining the ‘youth army’, which they must fill out. And the military department of Luhansk Dahl State University has signed an agreement with the ‘Yunarmiya’, according to which representatives of the so-called movement will teach students. It is worth noting that the “Yunarmiya” openly states that the main task of their so-called “movement” is to prepare children for war. This means that upon reaching the age of majority, such teenagers are the first in line to be drafted into the Russian army,” the human rights activist noted.

In addition, by January 1, 2024, the occupiers want all Ukrainians to become citizens of the Russian Federation, so everyone must obtain Russian passports or a patent or work permit. 

“Otherwise, an employer who employs a citizen of Ukraine will be subject to Russian sanctions. This may include the imposition of an administrative fine: for example, for legal entities – up to 800 thousand rubles or administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days,” said Iryna Chaura.

The human rights activist emphasized that the Russian authorities threaten to deport local residents of the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine for refusing to cooperate with them.

Read more: https://mediacenter.org.ua/news