Photo by Media Center Ukraine – Odesa: Serhii Kostenko, the head of the Odesa regional prosecutor's office
December 20, 2022, 15:36

Since the beginning of the full-scale war, Odesa oblast has been shelled 70 times – the regional prosecutor’s office

111 missiles hit civilian and critical infrastructure objects. Prosecutor of Odesa Oblast Serhii Kostenko told about this during a briefing at the Media Center Ukraine-Odesa.

As the official added, Odesa oblast was hit 54 times with ground and sea-based missile weapons, 2 times by tactical aviation, 7 shellings were carried out by ship artillery, and 7 more by UAVs.

The prosecutor’s office is investigating the deaths of 32 people a result of shelling, including 2 children. 96 people were injured, including 13 children.

“Property of more than 1,000 residents was damaged. 34 buildings were destroyed, 243 apartments and private houses were significantly damaged, another 324 apartments and private houses were damaged by the blast wave,” said Serhii Kostenko.

He also added that 32 recreation centers, 19 warehouses, 80 trade points and a large trade center where more than 300 businesses worked were destroyed and damaged.

“Three civilian vessels were captured and three were damaged. The Odesa airport, the oil refinery and Priportoviy plant, the railway bridge, etc., suffered significant destruction,” said Serhii Kostenko.

More than 2,400 pieces of shells and missiles were recovered from the shelling sites, including prohibited cluster munitions, which the enemy used to attack the Zatoka town on March 3.

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