October 10, 2024, 15:41

Schools and teachers in the temporarily occupied territory of the Luhansk oblast are forced to promote signing contracts with the russian armed forces – Journalist

In the temporarily occupied territory of the Luhansk oblast, the Russians are forcing schools and teachers to campaign on social media and directly in schools to encourage signing contracts with the russian armed forces.

This was reported by journalist Oleksii Artiukh, editor-in-chief of the media “Trybun”, during a discussion at the Media Center Ukraine.

Every school in the occupied Luhansk region is obliged to have a page on the social network Vkontakte, because it is a mandatory rule and no one can violate it, it is controlled by the fsb. However, a few weeks ago an order was issued in the occupied territory of the Luhansk oblast, according to which these pages should contain propaganda promoting the signing of contracts with the armed forces of the russian federation. In addition, teachers are required to campaign not only on social networks, but also in schools. Every Wednesday at 1:00 PM they have to report how many people they have recruited, where the leaflets were posted, and so on. Everything is strictly controlled,” says Oleksii Artiukh.

Read more: https://mediacenter.org.ua/news