“Schoolchildren in 13 Oblasts of Ukraine Return to School,” Serhiy Shkarlet
It is a priority for the Ministry of Education and Science to organize the educational process despite russian aggression. Serhiy Shkarlet, Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine, explained this at his press briefing at Ukraine Media Center.
According to him, 13 oblasts of Ukraine have fully restarted the teaching process, combining in-person and remote teaching. The teaching process in 9 more oblasts restarted partly, with schoolchildren either studying remotely or having vacations. The teaching process in Luhansk and Zaporizhia Oblasts has been suspended. No accurate information is available to the Ministry of Education and Science about the situation with teaching in Chernihiv Oblasts because of active combat and partial occupation.
Nursery schools are fully open in 8 oblasts. In total, 55,000 pre-school children were forcibly displaced after the beginning of the all-out russian assault. Most of them—11,000—were sheltered in Lviv Oblast. All of them have already been engaged in the educational process.
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