September 12, 2024, 13:19

Reintegration Management Program: Training of the Pilot Group of the Reserve Personnel for Future De-occupation Completed

The six-month online training of the pilot group of the Reintegration Management Program aimed at preparing a reserve of personnel for the de-occupied territories has been completed. The program will graduate 99 participants, who in the course of teamwork developed 20 projects related to various aspects of development of Ukrainian territories after their liberation.

This was discussed during a press conference at the Media Center Ukraine.

According to Olha Kuryshko, Deputy Permanent Representative of the President of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the uniqueness of this project lies in the combination of different experiences for the purpose of de-occupation and reintegration of the temporarily occupied territories.

She emphasized that according to the feedback from the participants, the training was very interesting because it combined different aspects: business models, psychology, as well as aspects related to governance and public administration, which provided relevant project management skills. Olha Kuryshko also noted the important role of the practical component of the program.

“This was a very valuable experience in implementing one of the directions of the National Reintegration Program, which is to find ways to reintegrate temporarily occupied territories that will be liberated. It is very important to create a reserve of personnel and prepare people who will work in these territories, who have shown leadership qualities and willingness to work there. We are very pleased with the results of this joint program,” she said.

According to Iryna Tykhomyrova, President of MIM Business School, more than 200 applications were received before the start of the program, but only 105 people were invited to participate. There will be 99 graduates of the program, 94 of whom will receive certificates of completion and 5 will receive certificates of participation.

She also noted that 80% of the participants are from regions that are temporarily under enemy control.

Over the course of the program, the teams developed 20 projects related to various aspects of the development of Ukrainian territories after their liberation. These projects cover virtually all areas of public life, from education, culture, and the restoration of indigenous identity to energy efficiency, health care, judicial reform, and security issues for residents. There are also a number of projects for resource centers and electronic portals that provide social services and gather information necessary for businesses, government and citizens.

“The difference between this program and others is that we trained management teams, not individual specialists. Although the program was conducted online, the participants chose a project topic at the end and worked in teams. This allowed people who were completely different, who had never met each other before, to get to know each other and work side by side. As a result, they not only gained knowledge and skills, but also formed a management team ready to work on a specific project,” said Iryna Tykhomyrova.

One of the program participants, Oleksii Radchenko, who was born, lived and worked in Crimea until 2014, considers the acquisition of skills and specialized knowledge about reintegration a personal challenge. According to him, it was important to participate in the program to help restore Ukrainian society in Crimea after its de-occupation.

“It is a really useful, interesting and necessary program. There should be more programs like this, because the issue of de-occupation is relevant today, and there are many problems that will arise after the de-occupation of these territories in various aspects. Unfortunately, most of these problems are still being overlooked. Therefore, this initiative is very useful for the state, on a national level, and I am very grateful for it,” he added.

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