September 12, 2024, 15:26

Multiple citizenship: Ukrainian World Congress stresses key principles to follow in addressing the issue

The Ukrainian World Congress is advocating for the careful consideration of multiple citizenship as a way to help Ukrainians abroad stay engaged in the political, economic, and social fabric of Ukraine, particularly during its reconstruction. However, the UWC emphasizes that several critical principles must guide the creation of any legal framework for multiple citizenship.

Paul Grod, President of the Ukrainian World Congress, underscored these points during a discussion at Media Center Ukraine. 

“We need to seriously consider how the millions of Ukrainians who have left the country can reintegrate into Ukrainian society. This is not just a social concern but a security matter for Ukraine,” Grod stated. “We’re encouraged by President Zelenskyy’s support for our long-standing call to establish a multiple citizenship program, complete with a robust legislative framework. Today, millions of Ukrainians live abroad, and we don’t want them forced to choose between Ukrainian citizenship and that of their host country. Losing their Ukrainian citizenship could hinder their ability to return, which is critical both for our national security and the reconstruction efforts.”

One of the core principles behind this push, Grod explained, is ensuring equal rights for all Ukrainian citizens.

“To fully engage in Ukraine’s political, economic, and social life, citizens must be on equal footing. For example, dual citizenship could enable Ukrainians abroad to run for seats in the Verkhovna Rada, or even serve as ministers, department heads, and school principals. This will play a vital role in rebuilding the nation,” he added.

Grod emphasized the importance of involving the Ukrainian World Congress in all matters concerning Ukrainians living abroad. 

“We have a firm stance that no decisions regarding the diaspora should be made without the active participation of the Ukrainian World Congress. It’s essential that we collaborate to shape these policies and ensure that our perspectives are fully considered,” Grod added.

Additionally, he highlighted the need for legal safeguards in any multiple citizenship framework.

“It’s essential that the legislation includes safeguards to prevent adversarial nations from exploiting the policy. Moreover, those seeking dual citizenship should meet certain requirements, including passing language and Ukrainian history exams—just as many other nations do. These measures are crucial to safeguarding our interests,” he concluded.

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