December 7, 2023, 15:25

Kherson has its own special spirit: an American journalist has been filming a movie about the life of Ukrainians under fire for three months

Life in Kherson does not stop, despite the numerous attacks by the Russian invaders. People hope that soon the Armed Forces of Ukraine will liberate Ukrainian cities and villages on the left bank of the Dnipro River, and life will be calmer.

This was stated by American journalist Zarina Zabriskу, who has been living in this Ukrainian city for three months. She is working on a documentary and a book about Kherson together with British war photographer Paul Conroy.

“Kherson has its own special spirit. I cannot say that it is a completely depressing city. Let me give you an example. Just a couple of days ago, Paul and I attended the premiere of a play based on a script by local playwright Olena Malyarenko, which she wrote during the war. The performance took place in a shelter under the drama theater. Under the sound of shelling. It was about the unbreakable Kherson. That is, the Russian occupiers are constantly shelling the city with all kinds of weapons, and Kherson residents find time to make their lives the best they can. It is impressive,” the journalist said.

Zarina noted that Kherson residents are trying not to sour under the shelling, restoring their homes and small businesses – shops and pharmacies – as well as taking care of destroyed libraries and hospitals.

“Kherson residents are very strong. Three weeks ago, I was filming in the Kherson Regional Children’s Library. The director of the library said that it was not their library that was destroyed, it was her soul that was destroyed, which she had invested all her life in this institution. However, Kherson residents are gradually restoring everything that was destroyed. And they try to endure the shelling steadily, although it often happens that the air raid alarm does not keep up with the shelling of the Russian occupiers. Today at 4:30 I woke up from explosions. There were three of them. All next to me. I got under the pillow, so you don’t have time to run to the shelter, and I was waiting for the next one to come to me. Now I live like all Kherson residents,” the journalist said.

She also emphasized that the residents of Kherson feel trust in her and other journalists, who are not afraid to come to this city under fire and cover the real life of ordinary Ukrainians suffering from Russian aggression.

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