It will be possible to get vaccinated against Omicron coronavirus variant in Ukraine
Currently, all sub-variants of “Omicron” are circulating in Ukraine. If earlier there were about 13 different subtypes, now there are already 17 of them. At the same time, the updated Pfizer vaccine specifically designed against the Omicron coronavirus strain and its variants has already been delivered to Ukraine.
Ihor Kuzin, Deputy Minister of Health, Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Ukraine, made this statement at a briefing at Media Center Ukraine – Ukrinform.
“Most of the time, the general recommendation is that using an Omicron-specific vaccine, one that contains at least a few key components of the Omicron strain, is more effective. Therefore, the week before last, another batch of Omicron-specific vaccine – Pfizer vaccine – was delivered to Ukraine. Over this and next week it will be delivered to the regions of Ukraine. It will be available in all regions starting from the middle of next week. But, for example, in Kyiv, in other regions, where the vaccine was delivered, it is already being taken to vaccination centers,” he said.
At the same time, Ihor Kuzin advised not to wait for a significant increase in the incidence of the disease and get a booster vaccine or vaccinated altogether, if one hasn’t done so before.
In addition, he reminded that other vaccines against coronavirus available in Ukraine are effective against any of its strains.
“The vaccine protects against the severe course of the coronavirus infection and the risk of dying as a result of the coronavirus infection itself. The Pfizer vaccine is currently used in Ukraine, in addition, there is a certain amount of Johnson vaccine. All these vaccines are effective against any strain of coronavirus. Therefore, it is very important to understand that if you are vaccinated with a regular vaccine, or at the beginning of the pandemic you were vaccinated, for example, with the AstraZeneca vaccine, then the resistance that has been formed is quite sufficient and you do not need to look for something else,” he added.
Read more: https://mediacenter.org.ua/news