November 8, 2023, 15:54

Human rights activist: Occupants do not treat patients without Russian passports, build a camp for cancer patients and militarize young Ukrainians

The occupation authorities refuse to treat patients of psychoneurological institutions if they do not have a Russian Federation passport. This was stated by Vira Yastrebova, a lawyer and director of the NGO “Shidna Pravozahisna Grupa” (Eastern Human Rights Group), at a briefing at the Ukraine-Odesa Media Center.

“Patients without a Russian passport were not given medicines, preventive examinations were not conducted and threatened with early discharge. After 6 months, patients of psychoneurological hospitals agreed to issue passports to the occupiers. So, on November 1, the occupation unit of the Russian Migration Service organized the issuance of Russian passports in medical institutions,” the human rights activist noted.

Vira Yastrebova said that the Russian invaders are deporting all Ukrainian children, except for those with cancer, and that a special camp is being built for such children in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.

Children who remain in the occupation are forced to take passports of the aggressor country at the age of 14. In schools, they are often dressed in military uniforms and forced to weave camouflage nets for months instead of studying. Such cases were recorded in the temporarily occupied Kadiivka (Stakhanov).

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