December 12, 2023, 13:53

Fierce fighting in the Tauride sector: Ukrainian Defense Forces hold the line – Joint Center spokesman

Over the past day, 49 attacks by Russian occupants were repelled in the Tavriya sector, 11 tanks, 15 armored vehicles were completely destroyed and a dozen and a half enemy military vehicles were damaged.

This was reported by Oleksandr Stupun, spokesman of the joint press center of the Tauride Defense Forces, at a briefing at the Ukraine-Odesa Media Center.

“Occupants are trying to advance both in the north and in the south near Avdiivka. The enemy is active near Maryinka, Krasnohorivka and Novomykhailivka. They are trying to dig trenches under the trees to somehow hide from our drones. The Ukrainian defense forces are repelling the enemy’s attacks. We need to constantly train defeating the aggressor,” said the spokesman.

Stupun noted that combat operations are ongoing and all information “injections” that Ukrainian defenders “surrendered something” on any resources are just a lie, only official sources of information should be trusted.

“Stepove is a gray area. Russians do not control this settlement. They are trying to walk on their dead bodies, often pretending to be dead so that they are not hit by our drones. They are thrown and thrown into meat assaults, but we are holding the front, although the situation is difficult,” summarized Oleksandr Stupun.

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