July 18, 2024, 13:44

Electricity restrictions may ease starting Monday, Yurii Boiko says

Starting Monday, electricity restriction schedules may become more lenient than those enforced over the past two weeks.

Yurii Boiko, Advisor to the Prime Minister of Ukraine and Member of the Ukrenergo Supervisory Board shared this view during a discussion at Media Center Ukraine.

“I hope the situation will improve over the weekend. Objectively, it could have eased today, but in the energy sector, there’s a concept of a cumulative effect. A sharp temperature drop doesn’t immediately result in a sharp increase in consumption, for instance. The same applies when temperatures fall from critically high to more acceptable levels for our climate zone. This delay usually spans three days. Today is essentially the first day the heat should start to decline, with yesterday being the peak. As we move into the weekend, consumption traditionally decreases, so I expect restrictions will begin to ease on Saturday. By Monday, this trend should be well established,” Boiko explained.

Read more: https://mediacenter.org.ua/news