Calls for the immediate dissolution of Territorial Recruitment and Social Support Centers (TR and SSCs) are counterproductive for national defense – Fedir Venislavskyi
Military recruitment and the operation of TR and SSCs should be carried out in parallel.
This view was shared by MP Fedir Venislavskyi, member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence, during a briefing at the Media Center Ukraine.
“I would not overstate the achievements of the recruitment centers, as they are still pilot initiatives aimed at enlisting as many Ukrainian citizens as possible to fulfill their constitutional duty on a voluntary basis. However, the main burden of mobilization continues to be borne by the TR and SSCs. The demands of my colleagues in the Parliamentary Temporary Special Investigative Commission for the immediate dissolution of the TRSSCs are certainly not in the interest of the state’s defense capability. I think these should be two parallel processes. Today, the military command has decided to create special subdivisions in every military unit to deal with recruitment and its promotion. We have created the legal basis for this. Now it is a question of the mechanisms for implementing these measures to attract citizens to military service,” Venislavskyi explained.
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