Average Ukrainian debt statistics are low – standing at 4%
Today, Ukrainian households carry a low debt compared to other countries.
Vasyl Furman, NBU Council Member, made this statement during a briefing at the Media Center Ukraine – Ukrinform.
“We see, for example, that the average personal debt held by Ukrainians is low compared to other countries—this currently marks about 4%. That’s a very low figure and there is indeed room to develop and grow,” he said.
However, according to Vasyl Furman, the lower earners look increasingly debt burdened.
At the same time, the elements of loan structure, when viewed, two-thirds of household debt are consumer loans. According to Vasyl Furman, this creates significant opportunities to develop the mortgage lending market, which in turn will help to revive country’s economic growth.
Read more: https://mediacenter.org.ua/news